
FaeCraft in Design Land!

A quick update to let folks know that FaeCraft is off in the capable hands of the Designer for the series, Matt, with all text completed, proofed (hah!), and major design and layout decisions discussed. This is very exciting!

When Matt and I met for the handoff, one thing he asked was, 'So, is there a third book in the series?' Hah, not yet! But as soon as I got the weekend under my belt I started noodling around with a new volume. Stick around and we'll see what happens...


Exodus: Movement of Minis

Losing vision over time is a process of letting go, and this week was another milestone: terrain and figures moved out. All the  GW armies and bitz left in the fall, and Infinity and Warmahordes departed yesterday. The bulk of bulky terrain was binned, and all my paints, basing supplies, and terrain making were divvied up by friends who will make better use of It than I. 

Each departure is an emotional mix of resignation and resolution and reality. The reality of knowing I can't see to paint, all grey clouds and shattered light, and can't see to play any table without high contrast and minimal terrain. I suppose I am resigned to this ever-changing reality, hopefully moving towards acceptance but that seems to lag behind. The resolve is all around actually putting stuff in a box and moving it to its next location!

I try to meditate on the past, on the building of practice, the presence of mind, the rich hours of collaboration and play, the game. Thinking about money, or time lost, or what if or maybe someday isn't particularly helpful, and drives me towards an unhealthy nostalgia and a lingering pile of dusty boxes.

So, any words of wisdom or anything? I suppose, be honest with yourself and be gentle. Let go of it, but not before you're ready. Are a couple of trays of figures really taking up that much space? When was the last time you actually were able to use them? What is the chance that you will use them again? Maybe save a couple, ones with brighter colors, distinctive shapes or silhouettes, or those few that you remember from that game or that night you painted with friends, those are the ones to keep.


FaeCraft Ahead!

FaeCraft is just about to head to Matt, the designer, after a vicious cycle of editing. Words, phrases, charts, tables, and characters all trimmed, skimmed, and slimmed. It looks to be about 40 pages, so a little shorter than CraftWork, but it feels more packed with procedure.

It has been a more deliberate and focused process, with a lot of lessons learned from the first volume, including collaborative design processes, bookmaking, front loading content decisions, etc. All great stuff that eases the production, smoothes communication, and, I think, reduces cost. 

It is probably overstated, but there is a lot to be said for an iterated, single product oriented, and bounded growth process of learning new things in a low stakes environment. There is a range of possible models, a lot of room for creativity, and a welcoming and accepting audience. That isn't true in so many places!

I am very excited to see it coming to fruition!