
CraftWork Character 7 Day Challenge V

One more for the crew queue!

A human, born into a merchant family or clan, then forced to settle down In a small town as the result of a holy war. It is probably real, as they became a bridge and road builder, and they likely spent by themselves out of doors They are 29 years old, have 15 hit points, have proficiency 3, may cast three spells, have 13 coin, and are 10 ft tall.

Martial Melee weapons, one-handed
Pole arms
Head butt 
Improvised weapons
Defensive stance

Brawling: advantage on grapple and shove, light armor only
Animal companion: a fox that can phase in and out of the world

A spell book with two spells (Excruciating Torrent & Deafening Cascade)
Light armor
A long iron bar 
A large sledgehammer 
A magic drill and bits

Notes: with one level of giant, two of war and one of mage craft, this character is an interesting mix. I tend to roll three spells for a starting spell book, using Maze Rats, and one of them was a phasing servant. Given that they have an animal companion, I thought that making that creature phasing would be cool. Given that they work with stone and water, the two spells should be evocative of those two elements, perhaps they are both psychic effects, deafening and tormenting the target.


CraftWork Character 7 Day Challenge IV

Well, I never really said which 7 days they were! Onward!

Character Quarto
A human who grew up helping their family run an inn in a small town, learning about herbs and plants, possibly from a kindly relative. Business soured and the family moved back to a village near the water, where they worked at a mill and spent some time as a ship builder and cooper. Probably in this village they began a fascination with dreamwork. They have 20 HP, 10 coin, and they are 26 years old with proficiency 3.

Find healing/useful plants 
Wood carving
Slieght of hand/ hide item

Alter memory 
Make Whispersledge 
Make Dream net

Woodworking tools
10 ft of chain 
Pot of glue 
Magical herbs that evoke dreams 
Dream net

Notes: This one was curious as I kept rolling skills rather than anything much to do with DreamCraft. They sort of have the minimum, so I imagine they are a bit of a dilettante, or maybe they are very focused on dream walking. Maybe obsessed? And why the Alter Memory; maybe they have a story they want to hide in the village? They would make an excellent NPC for a seaside or boat situation.


CraftWork Character 7 Day Challenge III


This elf grew up in a wig making shop, but the business did not survive the Great Purge. They left to become a farmer of herbs, then acquired levels of Warcraft and Skincraft. They are 22 years old and have 19 hit points, proficiency 2, and no money.

Improvised weapons
Head butt 
Long, short, and crossbow 
Aided climbing 
Abilities etc
Elemental weapons (Water) increases damage, other effects 
Great leaps and bounds (unusual distances and height)

Shape change is precipitated by happiness
Fears rods, poles etc

50 ft of rope 
10 ft of chain 
Fake jewels

Notes: This is the first character in this series that crosses into FaeCraft. It is the third character that has been touched by the Great Purge, which obviously had a deleterious effect on this group of people! None of the possessions came up as magical, and the change agent for the lycanthropy was generated by asking Google for a random emotional state. I found it cool that the elemental weapon rolled up as water, which is not a typical weapon feature. It raises all sorts of interesting questions about what water arrows would do.


CraftWork Character 7 Day Challenge II

Creation continues ...

This character is a 29-year-old human with eight coin, 32 hit points, -1 charisma and +1 dexterity. They spend time in War, Wild, and Soulcraft.

They started life as a simple villager, a miller, and then became a hunter in a nearby forest after being scarred by politics. They serve the Oak Mother as a holy officiant.

Proficiency 3
Jewelry tools 
Improvised weapons 
Navigation tools
Pole arm 
Two weapon fighting 
Heavy armor
Hide item 
Abilities etc 
Devotion 5
Favored terrain is forest 
Their preferred prey is forest herbivores
Holy Power,: Shield of Wood, Copse Guardian 
Miracle: Growth

Five skins
Pole arm 
Navigation tools
Jewelry tools 
Magic Helm; Birch Skin

Notes: This was interesting, as there is definitely a forest theme building up from the first character and both of them perhaps entering the forest due to political turmoil. For the Soulcraft abilities, I used an online deity generator, which also seemed to fit, and then riffed off of that for the powers and miracles.



CraftWork Character 7 Day Challenge!

7 days, seven characters, all made using the character generation tables in CraftWork and FaeCraft.

A gnome, 21 years of age with 22 HP and 16 coin. They started as a teamster, but were driven out by the great fire and became a porter, until the Purge. They retreated to the forest and have spent time learning the ways of the woods (ie 3 levels of Wildcraft).

Animal Handling 

Abilities Etc.
Preferred Terrain: Forest
Preferred Enemy: Soldiers and Guards
Animal Companions: Bear and a Cat

5 Spikes
Traps and snares
Magic Chisel

Process Notes: For terrain, I used one of the background charts in FaeCraft. For the animal companions, I asked my phone to pick a random animal. For possessions I used the Knave charts. I rolled randomly among them to make one magical.