
Makin' Dungeons

Right now I am making Dungeons using the following:

A general map, well, more of a diagram, showing relationships between locations or sets of locations. 

Maps of each room or space, each on an individual index card. These can be passed around, photographed, emailed etc. They are small enough to fit on a single screen. The players can lay them out in a way that makes sense to them. They are keyed on the reverse and refer to the larger diagram.

A single spread in my notebook with specific schematics, notes, creatures, treasure, secrets, etc. 

At the table I use the latter two 90% of the time. I review the big map before play, just to refresh. As conditions change or havoc is wreaked the note cards are quick to abridge and far easier to redo than a single page map. 

Corridors? If unduly long they are noted on the spread. If not, then it is just room to room.

North? Groovy arrow paper clips...

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