
Salt Palace West-March-Dungeon-Crawl

So, I've been at this gaming thing a while and thought I would start up a classic dungeon crawl that harks back to the games of my misspent youth. A massive dungeon, a mega dungeon, mysteries untold and perched on the edge of the darkness and possibility is a wee village, a safe place to return to, a haven, and a place to resupply. 

Every time we play it is a new group, they form in the village, stock up, decide their destination and head down into the ice caves, the eponymous Salt Palace. Each game they push a little farther, uncover a little bit more, dig into secrets, scrape up treasure, amass experience, and then return to the village. The story is evolving.

They are casual games, ones where people can play as they wish, can drop in, can play regularly, see old friends, and make new ones. The makeup of the group changes constantly, and it doesn't matter your level, your experience, your familiarity, or any of that. You're there for the play! As for mechanics: a streamlined rule set, Knave and CraftWork, virtual play, minimal props, dice and pencil and paper.

Let me know if you want more details! I'm happy to share any and all of it.

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