
CraftWork Character 7 Day Challenge IV

Well, I never really said which 7 days they were! Onward!

Character Quarto
A human who grew up helping their family run an inn in a small town, learning about herbs and plants, possibly from a kindly relative. Business soured and the family moved back to a village near the water, where they worked at a mill and spent some time as a ship builder and cooper. Probably in this village they began a fascination with dreamwork. They have 20 HP, 10 coin, and they are 26 years old with proficiency 3.

Find healing/useful plants 
Wood carving
Slieght of hand/ hide item

Alter memory 
Make Whispersledge 
Make Dream net

Woodworking tools
10 ft of chain 
Pot of glue 
Magical herbs that evoke dreams 
Dream net

Notes: This one was curious as I kept rolling skills rather than anything much to do with DreamCraft. They sort of have the minimum, so I imagine they are a bit of a dilettante, or maybe they are very focused on dream walking. Maybe obsessed? And why the Alter Memory; maybe they have a story they want to hide in the village? They would make an excellent NPC for a seaside or boat situation.

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