So, this was an interesting build! They not only stayed in SoulCraft for all five levels, but they stayed in the same branch (Tempest!) and then mustered out. They also rolled no additional combat skills and no blessings, so their clerical focus is on themselves really, not on aiding others. I made a nudge in the possession rolls (choosing a wind focused icon).
Officiant of Wind: Shield of Faith
Background: Potter, Gnome, Eldest
Level 5
Str 15
Dex 17
Con 10
Int 9
Wis 13
Cha 8
HP 31
Proficiency 3
Devotion 8
Simple Melee Weapons, Pottery, Oratory, Climbing, Cartwright, Cryptography, Survival (Land), Wayfinding, Arcana
Holy Abilities
Lighting Staff, Storm Cloak, and Cyclone Shield
Miracles of Fog, Wind, And Thunder
Significant Possessions
Refuge Chest, Unbreakable Staff, Icon of the Dawn Wind, Polymorph Potion, Map
From all this, Aguella is an accomplished crafter, probably able to build or construct relatively complex objects out of wood, as needed. There is definitely an element of the wanderer in them, given the survival skill, the wind focus, and the clerical abilities that aren't particularly geared towards others. They could be a spy, or involved in outdoor espionage, so maybe they are used by the temple on particular long range missions, delivering or retrieving holy items from desolate places.
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